
NecroBrowser is a module that allows Muraena to interact with the NecroBrowser to automate the post-exploitation phase of a phishing campaign.

Configuration Options


Enables or disables the necrobrowser module.


endpoint specifies the URL of the NecroBrowser API endpoint.


profile specifies the profile to be used for the NecroBrowser API endpoint. The profile is a file containing the NecroBrowser JSON configuration.

For example, the following configuration specifies the profile default:

Sensitive Locations

urls allows to specify the URLs that will be considered sensitive. The URLs are specified for both requests and responses, as follows:

  • AuthSession: Specifies the URLs that will be considered sensitive for requests.
  • AuthSessionResponse: Specifies the URLs that will be considered sensitive for responses.
    "name": "InstrumentGitHub",
    "task": {
        "type": "github",
        "name": [ "PlantAndDump" ],
        "params": {
            "fixSession": "",
            "urls": [

            "credentials": %%%CREDENTIALS%%%
    "cookies": %%%COOKIES%%%

The following placeholders are supported:

  • %%%CREDENTIALS%%%: The credentials to be used
  • %%%COOKIES%%%: The cookies to be used
  • %%%TRACKER%%%: The tracker identifier used to track the user


The trigger section specifies the events that will trigger the NecroBrowser module.

  • Type: Specifies the where to monitor: either path or cookie. If path is specified, the trigger will be activated on authSessionResponse URLs. While if cookie is specified, the trigger will be activated if the values are found in the cookies.
  • Values: Specifies the cookie names to monitor.
  • Delay: Specifies the delay in seconds before the trigger is activated.


Below is an example configuration demonstrating the setup for user tracing and sensitive data capture:

    enable = true
    endpoint = ""
    profile = "./config/instrument.necro"
       authSession = ["/settings/profile"]
       authSessionResponse = ["/privacypolicy"]

        type = "cookie"
        values = ["ESAUTHENTICATED"] 
        delay = 5